How to start your adventure with AI art?
This is a question that many people are wondering. How should you start your adventure with AI art?
Well, it all starts by knowing what this term means. What is AI art? It's an artistic process that involves relatively advanced technology, such as computer-generated images and sounds, to produce artwork automatically. Artists use this technology to create unique works of art without direct human involvement.
With AI art, you can create works that are relatively similar to those made by humans. However, the difference between the two lies in the fact that humans do it with intention, while AI does this randomly. As a result, you can consider AI art as an unpredictable form of art.
You can find the previous version of the article (2020) here.
We have crafted this guide to show you exactly how to make AI art (NFT). Take a look at the following Free tools for instant use!
Let's start off with: