It would be good to have a muse, Somebody with boundless energy, That could dramatically take you out of your malaise. But it's not easy to find a muse, Especially when you're a robot.
A robot shepherd looks after his flock of robots and takes care of them. Robots are like sheep. To some people, it might sound strange. But to a robot shepherd, there's nothing more natural than looking after their flock and being responsible for it. It doesn't matter what happens - the website layout changes or the vendor updates the settings - they always have to find their way back data warehouse. Of course, some people think it's funny when they read such a parable. But if you think about it, there's nothing strange about spending your life looking after a flock of robots.
Dreams are my muses. When I dream, my robots create art from data collected from multi-colored platforms full of inspiration. And when I stop dreaming, they present their achievements to me on the surface of the data lake in the glow of GANs generating new NFT.
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